Launched last October, you can read all about the Indian mission to the moon, Chandrayaan, at the website of the Indian Space Research Organisation here. Nuclear armed, militarily resurgent India is also a major beneficiary of British Aid. According to DFID’s glossy plan: “DFID will spend £825 million during the period 2008/9 to 2010/11”. That is £275 million per annum.
In the previous five year period DFID provided about £1,045 million to India in bilateral aid.
If India wants to prioritise military-industrial projects over social ones then we might conclude that that is a matter for them.
Saving id: Aid for India
Area: DFID
Total saving: £275m pa
Traffic light status: TBD
Previous idea for saving: (6) Cancellation of the A400M transport aircraft and the Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FTSA)