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Introducing Peter Hoskin

Hoskin PetePeter Hoskin is an Associate Editor of ConservativeHome, which means that he edits the site for two days a week and also writes a weekly column.

He joined ConservativeHome in July 2012 from The Spectator, where he edited the political blog Coffee House for over four years. Before that, he was a economics researcher at the think-tank Reform. And before that, in reverse chronological order: university; a childhood in Wales; birth in Oxford in 1984. Along the way, he has developed a particular interest in those policy areas he brackets under the term "Robin Hood conservatism": welfare, environmentalism and small-scale localism.

Peter has written, and continues to write, on politics and culture for a range of publications, including The Times, The Spectator, The Daily Beast, the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph. He even once interviewed his ConHome colleague Tim Montgomerie for Tatler.

Outside of Westminster, Peter enjoys cinema, literature and the countryside. His favourite film directors are probably Jacques Tourneur, Josef von Sternberg and John Ford; his favourite novelist is either Theodore Dreiser or John O'Hara; and his favourite walking territory is probably Snowdonia, near where he grew up.

Oh, and he also supports Manchester United.


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