Tameena Hussain is the Chairman of Maidenhead Conservative Future
First of all, my thoughts & prayers are with Lee Rigby’s family and friends and offer my sincere condolences to the family. I first heard about this horrific attack at 7.30pm on Wednesday, and watched the news coverage unfold. As a British citizen, I was angered & saddened by the attack on one of our armed forces. No innocent man deserves to have his life taken away from him - and no-one of any faith should carry out or have to witness such an inhumane act.
As a British Muslim, I was saddened to see a number of people - although a minority - abusing other Muslims and telling us to go back home. What I say to these people is that, like you, I was born Britain and, like you, I’ve been raised in Britain - and therefore the Britain is my home. My faith is about peace, so I preach about peace and will continue to do so. I was encouraged by the amount of support I received from my non-Muslim brothers and sisters in the aftermath of the attack, when I made these points on Twitter.
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