Steve Rathbone lives in Battersea, taught for twenty years, recently diverted into international relations and is on the Candidates' List. Here he returns to a theme which Tim Montgomerie addressed earlier in the week.
Not long to go. The General Election of general elections approaches. As the daunting national debt crowns a pile of woeful policies and botched decisions, the civic duty to purge the country of Labour misgovernment beckons all right-minded people.
It is hard to comprehend fully the damage done by Blair and Brown to the nation’s economic and social fabric, its moral compass and sense of identity. Most worryingly for democracy, what political scientist Frank Furedi describes as ‘anti-politics, a cynical dismissal of the elected politician and an obsession with sleaze’ have reached a level unseen in our lifetime. So, we can and must work together to elect a Conservative government to reverse Britain’s shocking decline since 1997. Indeed, I suggest it is a moral imperative.
The question is, will all available Tory activists be out there doing their bit when the time comes? Or will those who balk at elements of Cameronism - largely on the party’s traditionalist Right - work at a slowed pace or even not at all? The potential Stay-At-Homers and Clandestine "Kippers" in the party need to think very hard about the likely consequences of their actions. If you are one, don't stop reading!