Richard Ashworth is leader of the UK's Conservative Group in the European Parliament and is an MEP for the South-East.
Do you want a vote on our relationship with Europe? Then the Conservatives are the only credible choice to deliver a referendum. However, during next year's European Elections, voters will have three choices:
- Elect Conservative MEPs, who will work tirelessly for British interests, and start the Conservatives on the path to a majority in 2015;
- Elect Labour and Liberal, SNP or Plaid MEPs who will side with the federalist agenda;
- Or elect UKIP MEPs, who leave Britain's chair at the EU table empty, and increase the chance of Red Ed entering Downing Street.
Between now and the referendum in 2017, seminal shifts will have to occur within the EU. Changes being made in the euro zone will redefine the relationship between the non-euro nations and the EU. The 'one-size-fits-all' status quo will not be an option. Here is our opportunity to create an EU that works for Britain; to focus its efforts on opening markets, on ceasing the endless meddling in our lives, and accepting that often powers are better exercised much closer to the those affected by them.
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