Luke de Pulford is training for the priesthood and lives in Rome.
Earlier this week, the unelected officials of the Crown Prosecution Service effectively legalised sex-selective abortion in the United Kingdom. In doing so, they have failed to stand up for women's rights by forsaking the opportunity to work towards a Britain that is any safer for baby girls than India or China, the world's sex-selective abortion capitals. If that seems like too strong an interpretation, read on – I don’t think there’s any other way of viewing it
In their statement on Thursday, the CPS made clear that they have all the evidence they need to bring two doctors to justice for permitting illegal abortions, but will not be prosecuting as it's "not be in the public interest" to do so.
Now, no one likes talking about abortion. It's so uncomfortable and emotionally laden that taking a position invariably puts you in the firing line, whichever side of the argument you're on. But this particular case is not really about rights and wrongs of abortion at all. It's about whether or not we are a nation content to turn a blind eye to the targeting of girls in the womb.