Laura Perrins is a former barrister turned stay at home
mother. She campaigns for Mothers at Home Matter.
What is a ‘sex expert’ and where can I find one? According to a new campaign by the Telegraph WonderWomen (who I sometimes blog for), they are needed. Badly.
Personally, as a married women with two young children I have been there at the beginning and know how it all turns out at the end so I believe I am something of a ‘sex expert’. But this, it seems, is not enough to guide my children through this particular minefield. No. We need the ‘sex experts’ and a review of the sex education curriculum that is irrelevant to the young and the hip.
I am not against a review per se, but that is the easy part. Setting the content of the curriculum is the tricky issue. Claire Perry MP says we need to teach children about the difference between pornography and ‘healthy and caring’ relationships. Tim Loughton MP, who is also backing it, does at least call for a values approach to sex education, but that the Department of Education should ‘get a grip on preventing bad experiences of sex’. Really? Is this was the Department of Education is for – to give sex advice in competition with Cosmo? If by bad experience, it is abusive or threatening, then we already have the criminal law to deal with that.
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