James Frayne is a political and corporate communications consultant. He was previously a Director of Communications in Government and worked for a number of independent political campaigns in the UK.
Given the extreme competence campaigns have developed on the
operational side, where they have now have the ability to reach very specific
groups of voters, the next logical step is for campaigns to develop greater
expertise in the science of persuasion and influence. This will take campaigns
into areas they have traditionally overlooked, such as neuroscience and
psychology. Campaigns will investigate the process by which people make
political decisions, and how they can intervene in that process to make them
vote for a particular party. Just as campaigns have got used to having
pollsters around, soon campaigns will start working with experts on how the
mind works.
It is becoming increasingly clear that people make political
decisions based primarily on emotion rather than reason. Even on issues like
the economy - issues that should encourage a more objective, cost-benefit
analysis about what is at stake financially for a given voter's family - within
reason, people make decisions based on judgments around the perceived
competence of parties, the extent to which they can be trusted, and whether or
not a party's approach feels fair. People will always know when the economy is
doing really badly and when parties have messed things up - think back to the
ERM - but in less extraordinary times people are more likely to be moved by
their emotional response to what they see and hear.
That people are moved by emotional arguments is not a new
discovery. What is changing, however, is that we are starting to learn much
more about how the human brain works, and therefore why messages that appeal to
emotion work much better than those that appeal to reason. Messages that touch
people on an emotional level cause a physical reaction in the brain that makes
such messages more likely to be stored in our long term memory - and therefore
more likely to affect our political outlook moving forward. Messages that are
backed by powerful audiovisual stimuli are particularly likely to affect us.
Scientists believe different types of messages affect voters in
different ways. Non-surprising, partisan political messages that we agree with
touch our "disposition system". This is the part of the brain that
enables us simply to go about our everyday lives operating on autopilot. Such messages
do not surprise us or make us think deeply. Rather, they act as reminders,
putting certain messages in our head. Such messages tend to be positive and
partisan and they are useful to campaigns in reminding party supporters to