Kawczynski is MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham.
With the profound impact the media can have on elections, political parties have become particularly adept at tailoring and conveying their messages and ideologies to fit into a political strategy. Indeed, these considerations are important and right to make; they can make or break the fate of a political party.
As necessary as it may be, political parties that only focus on the messages and policies that superficially gain traction and grab headlines on the eve of an election are selling voters short. An effective party requires a manifesto which does not just scratch the surface of local and national concerns, with an eye towards just one or two issues – it must contain substance with a depth that addresses the challenges of the nation at every level. Parties need good strategy to spur on the economic recovery locally and nationally through sound fiscal policy, deal with those deviant groups beyond our borders that wish to do us harm, reform education, and promote energy to name just a few
It is interesting therefore that UKIP has received so much attention from the media in the last few months, especially as its noticeably thin manifesto leaves much to be desired for any discerning voter. Politicos and news correspondents regularly remind us that UKIP policies principally focus on the Party’s desire for Britain to exit the European Union and to further limit the number of those coming to our shores; beyond this, UKIP is conspicuously quiet on other important issues.
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