Dan Lewis is Chief Executive of the Economic Policy Centre.
Yesterday, the Economic Policy Centre launched a new website, www.ukcrimestats.com - the country’s first free to view crime-ranking platform for Neighbourhoods, Police Forces and streets with maps, analysis and reports. It has taken just over two months to develop and brings a number of new capabilities beyond those of the Government’s own website, www.police.uk. For example:
- It has a unique and searchable crime id, linkable url page and map for each registered crime in England and Wales (unfortunately growing by 500,000 a month)
- It displays which of the 43 Police Forces has the highest or lowest total crime / crime rate or in violent / vehicle / robbery / burglary / other / asbo crime and how they rank against one another
- Discover which neighbourhoods in England and Wales have the highest total / violent / vehicle / robbery / burglary / other / asbo crime or crime rate in this month or between two months
- Discover which streets in England and Wales had the highest total / violent / vehicle / robbery / other / asbo crime in this month or between two months
- Discover where your neighbourhood ranks in the Neighbourhood Crime League table - within five miles of a given postcode