Ben Jones, a member of the candidates list and the Liverpool CSI team, explains the progress being made by the Party in Liverpool. Picture: Some of the Liverpool CSI team campaigning in May with Chris Grayling MP and Den Dover MEP.
City of Liverpool Conservatives are continuing to fight back as part of the Party's drive to reach out into all parts of the country. Liverpool and parts of the Mersey region have been included in the Party's City Seats Initiative (CSI) which is breathing new life into the Party in those major towns and cities formerly seen as virtually "Tory-free" zones.
The CSI works by forming a team of candidates from the approved list to work with local party members and supporters to encourage those who are currently applying and other local people to get involved and work together for the Party. In Liverpool the team has been in place for twelve months and is making huge strides forward in building Party membership, raising funds, creating a higher and more positive profile for the Party in the city, and most importantly, in increasing support at the ballot box.
The Party fielded candidates in every ward in the city on May 1st and made huge inroads into the Liberal Democrat’s majority in the key target ward of Woolton, as well as making great progress in other wards including Allerton, Mossley Hill and Cressington. Across the city the Party's total vote was up 37% on last year. The Party ran a positive and energetic campaign across the City and received excellent local press coverage for its alternative vision of change for Liverpool.
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