Andrea Hossó is a Hungarian, working in the City and who has lived in the UK for over 25 years.
Over the past several months, I have been reading with ever growing stupefaction the avalanche of increasingly hysterical articles and dispatches in the mainstream international media warning about the allegedly unfolding "dictatorship" in Hungary, an EU and NATO member in the middle of Europe. How can that be, how could I have missed it, I ask? Something is fundamentally wrong with this emerging dire picture. I am reasonably knowledgeable about the country where I was born, raised, and very often visit. The country that I know and the one that emerges from the diatribes are not the same.
I have worked in the City of London for a long time, and financial upheavals are happening in the market everyday: Greece defaulting, Eurozone falling apart, US debt crisis and political impasse nearly leading to default, UK banking crisis and nationalization, the threat of financial meltdown all over. First I try to take the hysterical reports in my stride. After all, Hungary with her open, export-dependent small economy has always been vulnerable to economic-financial downturns in the euro zone and world markets and politics in general.
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