Alistair Thompson was Conservative candidate for West Bromwich East at the general election. He also runs Media Intelligence Partners with business partner Nick Wood, the former press secretary to Conservative leaders William Hague and Iain Duncan Smith.
It has been the issue that has dominated the political news since last weekend, after David Cameron rattled the cage of SNP Leader Alex Salmond, by challenging him to hold an early Scottish Referendum. To many commentators, pressing the chirpy SNP Leader to put his money where his mouth is is a high risk strategy, with even some in his own Party saying that this could drive disgruntled Scots to Mr Salmond’s arms, boosting the chance of losing the referendum.
But those who think that Mr Cameron has not done the complicated political maths on this are simply wrong. If we have learnt anything about David Cameron, in recent months it is that he is a masterful tactician, able to run rings round his two main Westminster opponents, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband. Indeed, I would go even further, saying that rattling the cage of the SNP is Cameron’s master stroke, because he simply can’t lose, whichever way the Scots vote.
Win, and he cements his position as the man with the electoral midas touch - a visionary leader able to win against the odds, and proving that the stunning victory against the Yes to AV campaign was not a fluke. Then, and with some justification, he will also be able to claim that he alone is the hero of the Union. A man who took on the might of the SNP and put them back in their place. Lose, and he can still claim to have stood up for the historic Union, fighting for our country, but was simply unable to turn the tide of nationalistic fervour.