Grant Shapps MP: Over the next two years we're going to tell the British people about this Government's impressive achievements
Grant Shapps is Conservative Party Chairman. Follow Grant on Twitter.
Last Wednesday night, commuters travelling home from stations around the country were handed this leaflet.
On it were the most important things we've done this week to lighten the load for families, home buyers and hard workers across the country; details of our budget commitments from fuel to childcare.
We distributed these leaflets just hours after the Chancellor sat down. Because much as I'm sure Westminster politicians would like to believe it, not everyone sits down to watch the Budget from start to finish.
Actually, as the Budget is delivered, most people are away from the TV and busy at work. In the days that follow they'll start to pick up on a few details. Many more will have seen something on the Budget by now – perhaps on the evening news or a favourite news website. Today, more will read a fuller digest in their Sunday papers.
But we should never expect people to just go out and find this information. It's our job to tell them about the Budget. And there are still many more people to reach.
At Conservative Spring Forum last weekend, I tweeted a cue card that we handed out to attendees.
It's a list of strong, Conservative, achievements - like bringing down the deficit, helping businesses create over one million new jobs and delivering a net reduction in immigration.
Twelve things we're doing with no money and no majority. Impressive achievements in just three years of government.
We've made difficult decisions in a host of areas that Labour shied away from: a welfare cap, pension reforms and reducing the size of the state.
But the thing is, no matter how loud we think we're shouting in Westminster, not everyone out there is going to hear about it. So we need to be right at the heart of our communities, telling people direct. If those little cue cards are sitting stuffed in a box in the corner of an office, they're completely useless. Their story needs to be told.
Clearing up Labour's mess. Moving Britain forward. Backing those who work hard and want to get on. They're not just words - these are things that we're actually doing.
And they can make a real difference. In these tough times, they can have a very real effect on household budgets – jobs and cash going back to people who've worked hard.
Take our tax-free childcare offer. From Autumn 2015, a family with two children can get up to £2,400 towards childcare so their parents can work. We're increasing tax free earnings to £10,000 from next year. And not only will 24 million people get a £700 lower tax bill compared with 2010, but 2.7 million will be taken out of tax entirely.
Our package of housing help from shared equity to 5% deposits on both old and new homes is just the kind of thing to help those who aspire.
The simple message from this budget – we’re on your side.
I'm proud of these achievements. They're helping people in my constituency just as they're helping people where you live. I'm proud to go out and tell people about them. We're helping people to get on, whilst preparing Britain in what is now widely recognised as a global race. Now it's down to us to stop Miliband and Balls from turning this country back.
Using advertising like this will start to help us to get the message across. But over the next two years, we'll be doing much more to tell the story of Conservatives in government, and what we're doing for the nation.
You can print your own achievement cards using the BluePrint system. But from Monday I’m going to make them available to you even if you don’t have a party login. Follow me @grantshapps and I’ll tweet you the link.
We're doing important, progressive things in government. Now it’s our job to make sure everyone knows about them.