Matthew Elliott: No2AV enters crucial final five days of the campaign
Yesterday the excellent Paul Goodman speculated on this very site that the referendum might be ‘over bar the shouting’. Pointing to the most recent polls, Paul suggested that if the trend in favour of a ‘no’ vote continues, the Yes to AV campaign could be heading for defeat.
While it is nice to have the momentum behind our campaign (and goodness knows I prefer the polls this way round!) you won't be seeing any slow-down or complacency from NO to AV.
We are sending out another 15 million leaflets in the coming days, have hundreds of street stalls across the UK planned and yesterday NO to AV launched our ‘Get Out the Vote’ Battle Bus Tour, taking the message ‘KEEP ONE PERSON ONE VOTE’ to the nine English regions.
The NO to AV Battle Bus tour will be in the following places over the next 5 days (time indicates start of the rally). If you live in or near any of these towns and cities and would like to join the local NO to AV rally – including the rather fun and unusual experience of campaigning alongside Labour MPs, councillors and supporters – please email daisy(at) and she will let you know the exact locations.
Town | Date | Time |
Leeds | Sunday 1 May | 1030 |
Gateshead | Sunday 1 May | 1600 |
Manchester | Monday 2 May | 1330 |
Birmingham | Tuesday 3 May | 1030 |
Bristol | Tuesday 3 May | 1530 |
Tunbridge Wells | Wednesday 4 May | 1400 |
London | Thursday 5 May | 1000 |
Our aim with the tour is to explain and inform voters about the dangers of a switch to the unfair and expensive Alternative Vote system. At NO to AV we have always tried to explain why First Past the Post is the right voting system for Britain, while the Yes campaign have avoided talking abour AV, choosing instead to peddle untruths about expenses and safe seats to confuse and obscure the issue.
We need all your help and support over the next four days if we are going to make the current polls a reality and preserve the historic principle of One Person One Vote for Parliamentary elections. The next 5 days are the most crucial period in this referendum and nothing is done or settled yet.
Together we can stop the Liberal Democrats rigging our voting system in their favour and destroying several hundred years of British political history. Vote NO to the Alternative Vote on 5 May.
Matthew Elliott is Campaign Director of NO to AV. For more information please go to