Ruth Davidson MSP

9 Dec 2012 08:21:49

Boris Johnson and Michael Gove sign up to new Tory-led campaign for same-sex marriage

By Tim Montgomerie
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As reported widely in today's written and broadcast media a new Tory-led group has been formed to support equal marriage. You can read more about 'Freedom to Marry' on its website.

I should declare an interest. Some months ago I made a conservative case for gay marriage on this website and I've joined the group as one of its supporters. The other initial supporters are listed below:

  1. Gavin Barwell MP
  2. Lord Black of Brentwood    
  3. Alistair Burt MP
  4. Iain Dale, Publisher and LBC Radio Presenter
  5. Ruth Davidson MSP, Leader of the Scottish Conservatives
  6. Jane Ellison MP
  7. The Rt Hon The Lord Fowler PC    
  8. The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP
  9. The Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP (the driving force behind the group and author of an article for The Sunday Telegraph)
  10. Kris Hopkins MP
  11. Margot James MP
  12. Bernard Jenkin MP
  13. Boris Johnson
  14. The Rt Hon Patrick McLouglin MP
  15. The Baroness Noakes    
  16. Matthew Parris, Journalist
  17. The Rt Hon Nicholas Soames MP
  18. Paul Swaddle, President of the Conservative Party National Convention
  19. The Rt Hon Desmond Swayne TD MP

As media outlets have noted the support of evangelical Christians Alistair Burt and Desmond Swayne as well as the Catholic Cabinet minister Patrick McLoughlin is an indication of the group's broad base. More high-profile supporters will be announced in the coming days and weeks.

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2 Nov 2012 07:56:46

Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson jeered at Stonewall awards ceremony after she questions "Bigot of the Year" category

By Tim Montgomerie
Follow Tim on Twitter

Davidson Ruth SeriousYesterday evening proved to be a topsy-turvy experience for the leader of the Scottish Tories, Ruth Davidson. The lesbian MSP was named Politician of the Year by the homosexual campaigning group Stonewal. A spokesman for Stonewall told the BBC why Ms Davidson had been recognised:

"As Britain's first openly gay leader of a mainstream political party, Ruth has shown thousands of young gay Scots that they can aspire to be what they want to be."

But Ms Davidson's moment in the spotlight couldn't have been comfortable. She was booed at the awards ceremony after she criticised Stonewall's decision to introduce a 'bigot of the year' category and award it to the leader of Scotland's Catholics, Cardinal Keith O'Brien. "Where I disagree with Stonewall," she said, "is the need to call people names like 'bigot'." She continued:

"It is simply wrong. The case for equality is far better made by demonstrating the sort of generosity, tolerance and love we would wish to see more of in this world. There are many voices in this debate and just as I respectfully express my sincerely held belief that we should extend marriage to same-sex couples, I will also respect those who hold a different view."

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