Update: Brian Binley's EDM had been tabled very shortly before this post was written, and has since attracted lots of signatures.
Early Day Motions are effectively petitions signed by MPs to draw attention to an issue; although they are motions for debate, few actually end up being debated. They can be serious, they can be lighthearted, they are often cross-party, they can be sometimes be unpleasant.
Herewith some recently tabled EDMs from Conservative MPs. Click on the links provided to see who else has signed them.
David Burrowes tabled EDM 2388:
"EXTRADITION OF GARY MCKINNON30.10.2008Burrowes, David
That this House notes the accepted practice of the governments of Israel and the Netherlands of requiring assurances from the US Administration prior to their nationals being deported to face trial in the United States in cases involving defendants suffering from medical or mental health disabilities, that those nationals will be repatriated to serve any sentence imposed by the relevant United States court; and urges the Home Secretary not to permit the extradition to the United States of Mr Gary McKinnon of Palmers Green, London, an Asperger's syndrome sufferer charged with computer misuse in the United States, until such time as she receives express assurances from the US Administration that in the event of his being found guilty and sentenced to a term of imprisonment that administration agrees to the immediate repatriation of Mr McKinnon post trial to serve any such sentence in the United Kingdom."
At the time of writing, no-one else has signed Brian Binley's EDM (number 2391) on corporation tax for small businesses:
That this House recognises that small businesses across the United Kingdom provide employment to 13 million workers and are facing difficult financial pressures due to the economic downturn; and asks the Government to reconsider its plans for a further 1 per cent. rise in the small companies rate of corporation tax announced in Budget 2007 to take effect from April 2009."
Continue reading "Early Day Motions" »
Monday, November 03, 2008 in Andrew Rosindell MP, Brian Binley MP, David Burrowes MP, Early Day Motion, Eric Pickles MP, Nigel Evans MP | Permalink | Comments (2)
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