We have decided to now allow comments on this section, although they will be directly moderated as with the rest of the site.
This new section of ConservativeHome is an experiment. We hope that it will bring some of the efforts of Conservative parliamentarians - both frontbenchers and backbenchers - to wider attention. This page will highlight questions, speeches, Early Day Motions and other contributions from MPs, members of the House of Lords, MEPs, Members of the Scottish Parliament and Members of the Welsh Assembly (we know it's not quite a Parliament btw!). We'll also attempt to offer some coverage of the London Assembly.
So much valuable work happens in Parliament that goes unnoticed. Below, for example, we highlight David Davies' question and the fact that only 1 in nearly 6,000 knife offenders were given the maximum sentence. At Work & Pensions questions Chris Grayling noted the rate of youth unemployment is higher today than in 1997. Peter Hain doesn't, of course, answer his question.
The other pages on ConservativeHome are more than enough to keep the CH team busy so we're completely dependent upon parliamentarians themselves and their staff emailing us with the information that this site will need to prosper. The email contact points are here and here. Please use both when sending in information.
It's our small attempt to acknowledge the importance of parliamentary life. If we aren't fed by parliamentarians and their staff, however, we'll probably shut this page down by this time next week!
Please leave any thoughts about this initiative in the comments thread below. In order to ensure this new site does not become too time-consuming we won't be allowing comments on this site otherwise... or is that unreasonable?