Today's Tory MPs awayday will be told that the 40/40 strategy is now a 50/40 strategy
By Paul Goodman
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Today's Conservative Parliamentary Party awayday takes place at a mystery location in Oxfordshire - indeed and to be more specific, in David Cameron's constituency, I am told. Downing Street is presenting it as a chance for the Prime Minister to "listen to the views and concerns of Conservative MPs". Predictably, Cameron will address the gathering. Almost as predictably, so will Lynton Crosby. Break-out sessions on policy will be led by George Osborne, Theresa May, Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove.
Finally, it will be announced that the 40/40 target seats strategy is to be expanded. (Remember: that's 40 Conservative seats defended, 40 opposition seats attacked.) CCHQ is to set its sights on ten more seats: 40/40 will become 50/40. If all of the former are won, Cameron will have a majority of about 30. You must decide for yourself whether CCHQ is over-reaching itself, or whether it's sensible to aim for a bigger majority. Certainly, the recent poll of marginal seats by Lord Ashcroft gave no grounds for believing that the Party is making progress in them.