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Tory MPs twice as likely to be "Bollocked By Bercow" than Labour MPs

By Tim Montgomerie
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Episodes like John Bercow's meanness towards Tim Loughton, Michael Gove and the Government Chief Whip fuel Tory suspicions that the Commons Speaker is biased against Conservatives.

Rob Wilson - the Conservative backbencher who recently described the Speaker as "partisan" and "divisive" - has turned anecdote into evidence by totting up the number of times Mr Bercow has shouted "Order!" at a Conservative MP and the number of times he has done so at a Labour MP. The answers show a tendency to admonish Conservative MPs twice as often as Labour MPs:


Michael Gove is John Bercow's top target. He's been targeted EIGHTEEN times by The Speaker. Cameron has been "Bollocked By Bercow" twelve times. I say "Bollocked By Bercow" because The Sunday Times reports that "Tory whips are thinking about awarding tongue-in-cheek medals inscribed “BBB”, meaning “bollocked by Bercow”."

More in the newspaper (£).


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