Steve Baker MP answers ConHome's Twenty Questions for the Class of 2010
Here is the latest in our series of Twenty Questions with members of the Class of 2010...
Steve Baker was elected MP for Wycombe with a majority of 9,560.
1. What is your earliest political memory?
Meeting David Penhaligon, Liberal MP for Truro, when I was a child. He greeted my father, a builder, with charm and familiarity, earning the lifelong respect for which he was well known.
2. Complete the sentence: “I’m a Conservative because… the Conservative Party has always sought to conserve freedom, responsibility and enterprise; these are the keys to social progress for everyone."
3. Who is your political hero and why?
Richard Cobden. Cobden gave up his business prospects to further the philosophy of freedom in the general interest. He was principled, pragmatic and yet thoughtful.
4. When did you decide you wanted to become an MP? 31st October 2007.
5. What is your reading material of choice? Non-fiction books. FT, Telegraph, Times, Economist, Spectator, MoneyWeek, Private Eye, ConHome, Cranmer (when he is up and about), Douglas Carswell, and, of course, the Bucks Free Press.
6. Who is your favourite political interviewer/presenter on TV or radio? Martin Durkin of WAGtv, who interviewed me for a forthcoming documentary on the financial crisis.
7. If you could run any government department, which would it be and why?
The Treasury, because it is time for thorough reform of banking.
8. Which non-Conservative politician do you most admire? Frank Field MP.
9. Who would you least want to get stuck with in a House of Commons lift? Anyone given to panic.
10. If you were in the US, would you be a Republican or a Democrat? Republican.
11. What do you enjoy doing to unwind and relax? Skydiving with friends who detest politics.
12. What is your favourite book? The Open Society and its Enemies by Karl Popper.
13. What is your favourite film? Heat, probably.
14. What is your favourite music? Rock, dance.
15. What would be your ideal meal and where would you eat it? Asian food, wherever my wife was.
16. What is your favourite holiday destination? Vassiliki Bay, Greece, which has reliable, strong winds and a range of fast catamarans.
17. What do you most want to achieve during your first term in Parliament?
Health reform in Wycombe. The complete cancellation of HS2.
18. Tell us one interesting, unusual or surprising fact about yourself. I was selected two years to the day after deciding to try for Parliament, at my first appearance for selection, in a traditionally Conservative seat.
19. Tell us one interesting, unusual or surprising fact about your constituency. Disraeli campaigned in High Wycombe with a speech in which he said, "I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad", which seems appropriate today.
20. Share with us your most amusing story or favourite anecdote from the campaign trail.
When the three main candidates met for the first time, we found we were capable of a serious philosophical discussion. That was the last time we had one.
> Previously: Justin Tomlinson MP