Karl McCartney MP answers ConHome's Twenty Questions for the Class of 2010
Here is the latest in our series of Twenty Questions with members of the Class of 2010...
Karl McCartney was elected MP for Lincoln with a majority of 1,058.
1. What is your earliest political memory? Meeting David (now Lord) Hunt when I was 10 and he was our MP on the Wirral and my parents were proud my name and picture were in the local paper!
2. Complete the sentence: “I’m a Conservative because… I believe everyone should be able to make something of themselves - there is no limit on aspiration so 'rely on yourself' - and I dislike state control."
3. Who is your political hero and why? (Now Cllr) Geoff Harper - for teaching me as an agent so much about fighting elections, and the joy of politics.
4. When did you decide you wanted to become an MP? At university in my first year, so my contemporaries tell me. I remember telling my Uncle and Auntie who laughed at my lofty ambitions (in front of my then girlfriend, I was most put out) just before Christmas '88.
5. What is your reading material of choice? Various books that interest me, Battle of Britain history books most recently, practical classics magazines, Private Eye, some blogs and websites.
6. Who is your favourite political interviewer/presenter on TV or radio?
All those whose pomposity is often pricked... I like the ones who are fairly inquisitive of anyone and willing to enter intelligent debate and know their brief. I dislike the establishment pseudo-intelligentsia and those who can't grasp reality.
7. If you could run any government department, which would it be and why? Any would be a challenge and a real pinnacle to reach/achieve. Department of Culture, Media & Sport, as a civilised society is defined by the standard and emphasis placed on these - but I think the current incumbent is doing a grand job! I am very happy at this point just being an MP though, thanks - I'm busy enough!
8. Which non-Conservative politician do you most admire? Tony Benn - he speaks his mind as he sees it and believes exactly what he says. I don't agree with him much politically, but respect his honesty and loyalty to his beliefs. He life and words inspire many I am sure.
9. Who would you least want to get stuck with in a House of Commons lift? Anyone who is easily offended - one of the PC brigade who has no sense of humour possibly - or someone with BO or halitosis - or who likes singing showtunes... they know who they are!
10. If you were in the US, would you be a Republican or a Democrat? Whichever Bob Robbins is standing for (or Robin Williams in his comedy Presidential role - Man of the Year).
11. What do you enjoy doing to unwind and relax? Playing trains or scalextric with our two boys, driving anywhere in our 1959 fulltilt LR - 'MUFTI'. Daydreaming. Just spending time with family or friends... chillin' or throwin' some shapes to particular rave faves.
12. What is your favourite book? The Big Six as a child but still enjoyable, more recently thought provokingly - The Art of War.
13. What is your favourite film? Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Italian Job (original) or more recently The Hangover - inspired asides.
14. What is your favourite music? Most dance music, Spear of Destiny, AC/DC, Green Day (most recent live concert) Black Eyed Peas, or taken recently by 'mashups' - the more obtuse and inspired the better.
15. What would be your ideal meal and where would you eat it? Full English breakfast with HP or Sunday Roast if in UK. Mozzarella, tomatoes and basil if in Italy. Although they both vie with Waddington Branch's 'Puddings Only' event which is a real guilty pleasure.
16. What is your favourite holiday destination? Any snow boarding resort.
17. What do you most want to achieve during your first term in Parliament? To have helped deliver progress and real change that improves the quality of life for my constituents and the City of Lincoln.
18. Tell us one interesting, unusual or surprising fact about yourself. I like cooking and have baked some diverse birthday cakes by request for our sons.
19. Tell us one interesting, unusual or surprising fact about your constituency. It has a railway crossing on the High Street that splits the City in two for over 20 minutes in every hour at present and that could rise, if Network Rail have their way, to over 40 minutes in every hour by 2013.
20. Share with us your most amusing story or favourite anecdote from the campaign trail.
Lincolnshire Shadow Minister (at the time) helping himself to copious chips during a pub lunch from a customer who was evidently not a Conservative voter and did not want to engage. JH kindly spent a large chunk of a day campaigning with us near the start of the Campaign and was a star!. Having to deal with trickiest questions at campaign debates from people who were supposed to be Conservatives was not a favourite pastime or amusing!
> Previously: Jack Lopresti MP