Was that it? A quick summary of the Queen' Speech
Here is a quick run down of the aims of the Government Bills the Queen has just announced for the new session of Parliament:
- To enhance governance of the financial sector
- To put halving the budget deficit into legislation
- To widen the provision of free personal care for those in highest need
- To legislate guarantees for pupils and parents to raise educational standards
- To protect communities by making parents take responsibility for their children's behaviour
- To amend the communications infrastructure to make it fit for the digital age
- To support carbon capture and storage and help vulnerable households with energy bills
- To protect communities from flooding and protect water supplies
- To address the differences in pay between men and women
- To ensure agency workers are treated equally
- To take forward constitutional reform
- To strengthen the law against bribery
- To ban cluster munitions
She also announced two draft bills:
- To reform the House of Lords and make it substantially or wholly elected
- To legislate to make binding the commitment for 0.7% of government spending from 2013 to be on International Development