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Which Labour MPs voted with the Tories over the committee to investigate the Damian Green raid?

As I pointed out earlier in a post on CentreRight, all but nine Conservative MPs were present yesterday to vote in the crunch division - defeated by four votes - which sought to allow the Speaker's committee investigating the raid on Damian Green's office to be set up along the lines that the Speaker originally intended.

Conservative MPs I have spoken to since have remarked that they were surprised at how close the vote was, and that they felt that a number of Labour MPs were persuaded to defy the strong Labour whip - or at least abstain - as a result of listening to the debate.

Tom Greeves has scoured Hansard to highlight some of the best contributions to the debate, so how did the figures stack up in that tight vote?

Joining the 184 Conservatives, 58 Lib Dems, 4 SNP and 2 Plaid Cymru MPs (along with one-man/woman bands George Galloway, Clare Short, Andrew Pelling, Richard Taylor and Bob Wareing) in the lobby were the following 29 Labour rebels:

  1. Diane Abbott
  2. Charles Clarke
  3. Frank Cook
  4. Jeremy Corbyn
  5. Paul Farrelly
  6. Frank Field
  7. Mark Fisher
  8. Paul Flynn
  9. Ian Gibson
  10. John Grogan
  11. Fabian Hamilton
  12. Dai Havard
  13. Kate Hoey
  14. Kelvin Hopkins
  15. Glenda Jackson
  16. Lynne Jones
  17. Andrew Mackinlay
  18. Denis MacShane
  19. Bob Marshall-Andrews
  20. John McDonnell
  21. Gordon Prentice
  22. Alan Simpson
  23. Sir Peter Soulsby
  24. Gisela Stuart
  25. Paul Truswell
  26. Keith Vaz
  27. Alan Williams
  28. David Winnick
  29. Tony Wright

Jonathan Isaby


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