Richard Benyon criticises Parliamentary scrutiny of the Pre-Budget Report
4.20pm update: The Speaker has just ruled in favour of George Osborne's call for an emergency debate on the Government's Pre-Budget Report. A three hour debate will take place tomorrow. Another victory for the Conservatives.
Newbury MP and Opposition Whip Richard Benyon has blogged today on his experience of watching the Pre-Budget Report from the green benches of the House of Commons.
Do read the whole piece, but here is a powerful quotation:
"This was a Budget Statement in all but name. It consigned us all to levels of debt it will take years to pay off. Furthermore it did so on the basis that all will be well half way through next year. Such optimism needs forensic questioning. If this had been a budget there would have been days of debate and a vote. Because it was disguised as a Pre Budget Report it got a few minutes of questions and, er, that’s it. At times like this I really do question Parliament’s ability to do its job. We are supposed to hold the Government to account. That is our constitutional duty. How can we when announcements that consign this country to historic levels of debt cannot be even debated?"
It is good to see a Conservative MP calling for a strong Parliament.