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Cameron backs Boris

Well thats a surprise. Mind you at least on our team the captain means it.

George Reynolds

I think we need to be careful here. The key difference in this poll is that 'others' are beginning to register for the first time. Each of the polls that we have had so far have given others very low result - sometimes 0% - and this is very unrealistic in an election where other parties have historically done quite well. This combined with the fact that 17% of voters are undecided on which way to vote means that some of the underlying numbers maybe very volatile and may change quite significantly before polling day. Also, we need to be similarly cautious on second preferences. The fact that the poll shows Boris Johnson is getting more second preferences to Livingstone does not necessarily imply that he is ahead on second preferences. The real number is those people who say they will vote,Paddick,Berry and will vote for Johnson as their second preference. That may give very different results to the headline question on second preferences. I still think this poll is positive for Johnson but there are reasons not to be complacent in these numbers.

Tony Makara

After the class-ridden abuse that Boris has had to endure from the likes of Hazel Blears I'm really pleased to see him doing so well in the polls. The type of character assaination aimed at Boris has been disgusting and not something I would expect to hear from politicians of ministerial rank. It just goes to show that our country is being run by nasty class-bigots. When Boris becomes mayor it will be one in the eye for Blears and Co.

elvis parker

I happened to watch Parli channel last night - debate on policing in London in the Commons recently. Andrew Slaughter and Lab MP after Lab MP attacking Boris - little mention of policing!
Boris certainly has them worried. Go Boris!

Edison Smith

elvis parker -

Andrew S-Laughter is a nincompoop and will be spanked by Shaun Bailey in Hammersmith.

No room for complacency. Get out there and leaflet for Boris.


I was at the launch today, partly out of interest because I've never seen Cameron 'live'; so, two impressions:

1. Boris was serious, focussed and seems to have found his feet.

2. Cameron was very, very impressive - he came across as utterly self-possessed without being arrogant, and oddly enough, as a quietly tough character. This was not done with posturing or ham acting, he just gave the impression of someone who knows where he's going and no-one and nothing is going to get in his way. It's a different kind of leadership, but it is definitely leadership.


I was at the launch today, partly out of interest because I've never seen Cameron 'live'; so, two impressions:

1. Boris was serious, focussed and seems to have found his feet.

2. Cameron was very, very impressive - he came across as utterly self-possessed without being arrogant, and oddly enough, as a quietly tough character. This was not done with posturing or ham acting, he just gave the impression of someone who knows where he's going and no-one and nothing is going to get in his way. It's a different kind of leadership, but it is definitely leadership.

Tony Devenish

I haven't witnessed a better Election launch in years. The short passionate speeches by community activist Ray Lewis , Dave and Boris (all over in 22 minutes) was excellent.

Lynton Crosby has clearly got the Campaign on track.

Two messages (if the Boris team read C Home) 1. bill boards/press ads encouraging postal votes to get the % vote up linked to :

2. 'Stop Red Ken's £25 per day Car Poll tax applies to YOU '(picture of normal car + londoner). It is truely amazing that few people (other than Tory activists) know anything about this or think it only applies to Chelsea tractors.

jeff r

"No room for complacency. Get out there and leaflet for Boris."

Indeed, er, apparently, Boris said that islamaphobia was a natural reaction to Islam?


Jill, London

Re – The Guardian piece by Jonathan Freedland – it is a heavy-handed, and heavily partisan – piece of Lefty journalism that’s pro-Comrade Livingstone – and anti Boris from which “Jeff” quotes inaccurately: “Boris said that islamaphobia was a natural reaction to Islam”. Freedland’s accurate quote is: “one 2005 column described Islamophobia as a "natural reaction”.” Freeland doesn’t finish this quote, and it would have been helpful is to have seen the full context. But Lefties are fond of selective, out-of-context quotes.

Moreover, this Freedland piece is peppered with inaccuracies, and wishful thinking. This is an inept effort from such an experienced journalist, and broadcaster [on the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation aka the Guardian of the airwaves]. Indeed, this below par piece of flim-flammery deserved to be ‘spiked’.

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