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Donal Blaney

It is one of the key opportunities for the Tories. People realise they pay higher taxes but they are not getting more for their money. They were willing to give Brown a chance to throw money at public services but their own eyes tell them it was pointless. Surely now is the time to offer the voters a real alternative?

James Cleverly

We should be shouting about this at every opportunity.

When Labour's London Mayor talks about tax cuts putting nurses and teachers out on the streets we should remind people that it is actually smartly dressed media types (like me) who will be losing out. And we deserve it!

Wat Tyler

This is absolutely indefensible. At the central government level Labour has tripled propaganda/advertising spend to £334m pa (see eg http://burningourmoney.blogspot.com/2006/02/recent-bonfires-2.html ).

But at £100m pa for just London Ken takes the Chocolate Hobnob.

Deputy Editor

Three cheers for Phil for doing all the ground work on this one.

Very worthy investigative work.

Derek Green

Why should anyone be surprised about overspending and waste by Ken Livingstone and the Labour Party? They are socialists - who believe that they have a right to tax as much as they possibly can - and then use that money to advance socialism. Value for money is not something they ever consider. Profligacy and waste are endemic to socialism.

london tory

"They are socialists - who believe that they have a right to tax as much as they possibly can - and then use that money to advance socialism. Value for money is not something they ever consider. Profligacy and waste are endemic to socialism."

This is not the way to attack the Mayor.

Always tie his actions back to lack of delivery on the basics: crime and transport.

Talking about socialism makes us sound decades out of date and doesn't touch Livingstone's weak point: lack of delivery.

london tory

And three cheers to Phil, as the Deputy Editor says. You would have thought that this might have been uncovered by the Evening Standard... but now it's out there, which can only be a good thing.

Simon Chapman

Livingstone has previous for this.

I remember listening to him speak down in Bristol in the mid-1980s after the GLC had been abolished. He said then that the GLC had paid in advance for advertising space. When the government tried to restrict the amount the GLC could spend on advertising during the run up to abolition, it found that Livingstone was still churning out vast amounts of pro-GLC propaganda, all already paid for.

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