Conservatives take over Harrow Council
After a split in the Labour Party the Conservatives have now formed a minority administration on Harrow Council. Congratulation to Cllr Susan Hall, the new Conservative leader and the first woman leader in the history of the authority.
Cllr Hall was elected the new Leader last night by 31 votes to 24 after a number of Independent Labour councillors abstained or voted for her.
It will certainly be a challenge to achieve tangible results between now and the elections in May. However Cllr Hall and her team are capable and determined and well aware of the need to apply strong Conservative principles to achieve better value for money for local residents.
Cllr Hall says:
“We are obviously delighted with the result of the vote, and I’d like to thank each and every councillor who voted for me. It is an honour and a privilege to become Leader of Harrow Council, and my colleagues and I are looking forward to getting to work straight away.
"We know that the task facing us is daunting, and that the Council faces many challenges. But as I said at the Council meeting, our priority will be to make Harrow cleaner, safer and fairer – and we hope to enshrine these principles into everything the Council does. We want a Council which does what our residents want, which looks out for them, and which is on their side.
"In the coming days I will be appointing a Cabinet, and focusing on problem areas where we need to take action straight away – such as the appalling cuts Labour made to public realm services. The budget process for 2014-15 is also just getting underway, so we will be turning our attention to that. It’s an exciting time, but we are very much aware of the challenges which confront us.”
Excellent news.