After Harrow and Brent, Labour implode in Redbridge
I have already documented how Labour have lost control of Harrow Council after a group of their councillors, including the council leader, resigned the whip. I have also noted how in Brent several Labour councillors, including the former Labour have been deselected.
Redbridge is another borough where the Labour Party are in disarray.
The Ilford Recorder reports:
Three Redbridge Labour councillors have dramatically resigned from their party this afternoon, claiming the leadership in the borough has “lost the plot”.
Cllrs Filly Maravala, Virendra Tewari and Balvinder Saund ripped up their Labour Party membership cards on the steps of Redbridge Town Hall, High Road, Ilford earlier.
The three, who between them have served on the council for 45 years, are forming the Redbridge Independent Group.
The report adds:
Earlier this month, Chadwell ward Cllr Andy Walker left the Labour Party after being deselected.
Next year, of course, will see council elections in all the London boroughs. What will be the impact of this Labour feuding? Labour hung on in Glasgow last year after an equivalent bust up so it is uncertain.
Rather more councillors should be deselected when it is a mundane matter of them being a bit lazy and clinging on for their allowances. That tends not to happen. It is more usual to happen when there is an almighty feud bubbling away.
These London borough council elections were last held on the same day as the General Election in 2010. The higher turnout helped Labour a bit. But even so they will need to make gains next year to be maintaining momentum. Yet they are tearing themselves apart.