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A quarter of Council Tax in Manchester spent on debt interest

Labour-run Manchester City Council spends over £36 million a year on interest for its £775 million mountain of debt. That means that one pound in every four collected in Council Tax is not spent on local services but on interest payments.

The council's asset register consists of 1,427 items.

There are three pubs and an airport. Half a dozen leisure centres and a golf course.

There are also plenty of items which may or may not be put to good use under council ownership. Land that may be providing use for enjoyable recreation or may be scuzzy bits of waste land. Many caretakers cottages which may or may not be occupied and if the are might or might not provide value for money. There are many community centres and youth centres - some may be fizzing with activity others may be drab and underused.

How much confidence should Manchester's residents have that there is really rigorous asset management to ensure that all are put to good use.

There are several children's homes (Manchester has an above average proportion of children in care in children's homes.)

Manchester City Council is increasing the Council Tax by 3.7%.



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