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Birmingham Council wheelie bin consultations asks residents if they are gay - but not if they want wheelie bins

Labour-run Birmingham City Council is undertaking a survey of their residents. They explain:

A citywide consultation on wheelie bins has already begun to find out residents’ views.

The survey doesn't ask residents if they want wheelie bins or not.

However it does those responding which "most accurately describes your sexual orientation"


Gay man

Gay woman/lesbian


Then there is their ethnic group:

White - English/Welsh/Scottish

Northern Irish/British

White - Irish

White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller

White - Any other White background

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean

Any other Black/African/Caribbean background

Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Asian and White

Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Black African and White

Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Black Caribbean and White

Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background

Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi

Asian/Asian British - Chinese

Asian/Asian British - Indian Sikh

Asian/Asian British - Indian Other

Asian/Asian British -Pakistani

Any other Asian background

Other ethnic group - Arab

Other ethnic group - Jewish

Any other ethnic group

Prefer not to say

Then there is a question on religion:

Christian (Catholic, Church of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, other Protestant, Orthodox and all other denominations)






Other religion / faith (Please specify)

No religion

Yet nothing on wheeelie bins.

Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles said:

"We've repeatedly written to councils to remind them that local residents shouldn't be asked to fill out intrusive questionnaires about their sexuality, religion and other personal details just because they've inquired about getting their bins emptied or joining a local library.

"Birmingham Council have repeatedly ignored this advice despite statutory guidance from DCLG stating that this is simply not necessary.

"At a time when taxpayers are watching their pennies, this is just one indication of how Labour-run councils like Birmingham are showing a complete disregard for taxpayers' money.

"Clamping down on sending out these unnecessary documents will not only save taxpayers' money but protect the privacy of residents of all backgrounds."

Any council which complains about spending cuts while engaging in this nonsense does not deserve to be taken seriously.


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