Trafford Conservatives Council Tax freeze highlights stark contrast with Labour in Greater Manchester
Cllr Alex Williams, the Deputy Leader of Trafford Council, on tax divide between Conservative and Labour councillors on his authority
Conservative-run Trafford Council agreed a two year budget last week, which included a third year Council Tax freeze in 2013-14 with the possibility of a further, fourth year freeze in 2014-15.
Through increasing collaboration with other public sector bodies and driving other efficiencies, local Conservatives were able to provide increased funding to enhance front line services like libraries (unlike neighbouring Labour Councils that are shutting them) and invest more in supporting the most vulnerable (additional £5.1m for Children and Adult Social Care). In addition, despite having the lowest allowances of all Metropolitan Councils, Conservative Councillors announced last night that they would all voluntarily cut them further.
In contrast, Labour’s record in hiking Council in the rest of Greater Manchester has received significant publicity, but what is less well known is the decision of the Labour run Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority (“GMFRA”), which is chaired by Trafford Labour Group leader, Cllr David Acton.
The GMFRA announced that they will impose a 9.5% hike in the GMFRA precept on all Greater Manchester residents (including Trafford’s), three and a half times the rate of inflation.
Below is a mock up of what a Band D bill will look like in Trafford for 2013-14:
A similar proportionate increase in Trafford’s share of the bill would equate to an extra £105 on a band D household.
As chairman of the local Fire Authority, Trafford’s Labour Leader has forced a tax rise of almost 10 per cent on local Trafford residents, three and a half times the rate of inflation. All this whilst also moving Fire Service resources out of Trafford and into neighbouring Labour boroughs.
Labour’s local priorities in Trafford are clear: More Taxes, More Waste and More Front Line cuts.