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Labour councillor in Thurrock opposes Abu Hamza's extradition

Cllr Aaron Kiely, a councillor in Thurrock, faces being suspended from the Labour Party, after sending a tweet opposing the extradition of Abu Hamza.

Cllr Kiely said:

'British government deporting British citizens to the bastion of human rights that is the USA #shame'

Cllr John Kent, the Labour leader of the council, says:

"We have been supportive of Aaron, but he has fallen short of the standards that we believe should be met.

"Consequently the Labour group now has no option but to take appropriate action against Cllr Kiely and will be investigating issues, including some of the views that he has chosen to put in the public domain.

"We will look at the appropriateness of those comments and of his contribution to the Labour group, his ward residents and the council.

'It is likely that we will seek his suspension from the Labour group while that investigation is undertaken by the appropriate people. What the outcome will be beyond that would be unfair to speculate on at this time."

This is pretty feeble. Cllr Kiely has already expressed disgraceful views on the riots last year. 


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