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Labour councils funding left wing think tanks

Imagine the fuss if a council like mine or Wandsworth decided to give money to the Adam Smith Institute or the Taxpayers Alliance. Yet while councils are not allowed to fund lobbyists the rules are not sufficiently tight to exclude think tanks. Labour councils feel it is perfectly acceptable to use their Council Taxpayers money to promote their political objectives in this way.

The left wing Institute for Public Policy Research has annual funding, of between £500 and £10,000 a time, from each of the following:

Bradford City Council

Liverpool City Council

London Councils

Newcastle City Council

Wakefield Council

More surprising was that they also had between "£10,001 to £20,000" from the  Greater London Authority and between £20,000 and £50,000 from the City of London Corporation. Having already funded them through our Council Tax we are also stung via the tax we pay to central Government which is passed on to the EU. The European Commission Representation in the UK gives them between £10,000 and £20,000 while the European Commission itself gives them a sum "greater than £100,000."

This is a quite improper use of public money.


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