Cllr Craig MacKinlay chosen as Conservative candidate for Kent Police Commissioner
Congratulations to Cllr Craig Mackinlay who has been selected as the Conservative candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent. He is a Conservative councillor in Medway. Cllr Mackinlay joined the Conservatives in 2005 - he had previously been Deputy Leader of UKIP. Among the candidates who lost out in the selection was Jan Berry, former leader of the Police Federation trade union.
Cllr Mackinlay says:
The ‘no broken window policy’ has transformed other jurisdictions. Graffiti, neglected buildings and neighbourhoods, unreported criminal damage – ‘it’s just not worth reporting’ starts the spiral. Every crime demands attention, no matter how ‘insignificant’ because every crime has a victim. Victims will come first with neighbourhood policing re-inforced as the heart of the Kent Policing model.
He is a magistrate and chartered accountant, and promises to cut red tape and increase efficiency.
Tackling drugs will be among his priorities:
A tough approach to stop drug supply, education to deter drug use and support to those seeking a life away from drugs, working with re-vitalised agencies and groups that will increasingly be resourced from the PCC budget.
He also wants to ensure the police are accesible in remote areas:
‘A contact in every town and village’. I will guarantee an access point to Kent Police in every city, town and village across Kent through use of smart technologies, using existing public sector facilities or face to face through true neighbourhood driven policing. Contact with you, the public, increases intelligence on local criminal activity.
A strong manifesto - I am pleased that unlike so many other candidates he has given a clear indication of what he would do if elected.