Trafford is first council to launch interactive iphone app
Conservative Trafford Council has launched a new, free application for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to make it easier and more convenient for residents to access Council services and information or report a problem wherever they are.
The features include:
- Find my Nearest - using GPS technology you can find your nearest library, leisure or recycling centre and many more.
- Report an Issue - If you need to report a missed bin, litter, dog fouling or any number of issues you can use the app and even send us a photo of the issue.
- Bin Calendar - if you need to check which recycling bins to put out you can enter your postcode and the App will tell you.
- What’s On - Looking for something to do on the weekend? Check details of local events.
- News - Up to the minute Council news.
Deputy Leader, Councillor Alex Williams says:
"It is vital that our residents are at the centre of everything we do and developing new technology such as this makes it more convenient for them to access our services and information wherever they are."
"We are always striving to improve our services and this innovative approach means that the focus is on making it accessible for the resident. We hope to further develop other ways to make this even more convenient and available on different platforms.”