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Lib Dem St Albans Council bans running in pancake race

Lib Dem controlled St Albans Council banned running in the traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake Race. It was on health and safety grounds. The road was wet and the Council said that ion previous years the "odd person" had slipped - although they conceded that the only treatment needed had been a plaster.

When the Council Officer announced that this year it would be a walking race there were boos from the crowd - who felt it wouldn't be quite so exciting. David Emery, whose Hertfordshire NHS Community Partnership team was one of three disqualified for breaking the rule, said: "I have been disqualified from a running race for running."

I am emailiing Cllr Teresa Heritage, the Conservative Opposition leader on the Council to ask for her views. I hope she will feel able to give a pledge that under a Conservative administration running will be allowed in Pancake Races even when the road is wet.


The Conservative Group leader is now Cllr Julian Daly. Apologies. He has emailed to comment: "It would be hard to make up this sort of stuff as it is so ridiculous.  But I love the way 'health and safety' was used to disqualify an NHS team. We think that running is a key part of a pancake race whatever the weather."


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