June 4 elections: Oxfordshire Lib Dem hypocrisy over Gurkhas.
Cllr Keith Mitchell, the Conservative leader of Oxfordshire County Council, has been writing an election blog. Very lively and hard hitting it is too. Here is a sample entry from yesterday.
Sunday 24 May 06:00 pm I see the Liberals in Oxford West & Abingdon claim to be supporting the Gurkhas. I have got used to their sheer hypocrisy over the years but this takes the biscuit. Cllr Janet Godden is a leading member of the Oxfordshire Liberals. She wears a white poppy in November of each year and has never disguised her support for pacifism and her dislike of the military. I cannot remember a Liberal politician who has supported our armed services and here they are, jumping on a band wagon just because they think it might gain them some votes on June 4th. I wonder how many of them signed the No 10 Web Site petition for the Gurkhas? I know I did and a lot of my County Group did. I wonder if Neil Fawcett's name (a Liberal activist and spin doctor) was there?
While I reflect on the Liberals, I can't wait for the Daily Telegraph to publicise Evan Harris's expenses. I have been interested to see he is the highest spending of our Oxfordshire MPs. It is difficult to imagine him indulging in duck houses, moat clearance, expensive furniture of any of the excesses we read about daily. The only excesses I see him guilty of are a leaning to the political left. So, on what did he spend all that taxpayers' dosh? Come on Daily Telegraph - don't keep us in suspense!