Boris backs handing power down to London's boroughs
There is often much cynicism about whether localism will be delivered by a Conservative Government - or whether once they have got power they will prefer to hang on to it rather than give any of it away. So there is encouraging news today that the Mayor of London is backing proposals for power to be given to the boroughs - including power currently held in his empire.
The City Charter, signed by every borough leader in London. The full text is here but the Evening Standard report highlights the call for councils to be able to:
- Appoint borough commanders (Currentl done by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner.)
- Spend NHS money currently under the control of the Primary Care Trusts.
- Decide on GPs opening hours.
- Change bus routes and timetables taking control of local services from Transport for London.
- Take charge of trunk roads run by TfL.
In the foreward Boris Johnson and Cllr Merrick Cockell, the Chairman of London Councils say:
"Governing a city as energetic, diverse and dynamic as London will always be complex. But Londoners have a right to expect that the machinery of government works for them and their families. They want to have a genuine say in decisions that affect their lives and they want good quality services delivered at the lowest possible cost."