By Matthew Barrett
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Following last year's election defeat, there have been two sets of commentators on the left. On the one hand, the all-out, gung-ho "evil Tory cuts!" brigade, and on the other hand, the thoughtful contributors to the debate about Labour (and the left in general)'s future. I should apologise in advance for ruining the careers of those listed below, but here are four of the best of Labour's thoughtful commentariat:
Peter Watt (twitter: @PeterWatt123): Watt is a former General Secretary of the Labour Party. He caused a stir last week by writing: "...the Labour party is obsessed with the cuts. It is us, not the Tories, who are being defined by them. We talk about them all the time. We protest against them, predict the horrors that will unfold as their impact is felt and condemn the government for implementing them. We are so completely stuck in the cuts’ headlights, that we are virtually paralysed. And this paralysis is damaging our prospects for the next election." - "Labour must stop fighting the cuts", on Labour Uncut
He also supported the Conservative approach to recognising the family in the tax system, in a post for Labour Uncut last month: "Labour must therefore rethink its offer to families by the time of the next general election. Simply continuing to oppose the Tories approach will not be enough. In fact, it will also risk alienating some of the families who will by then be benefiting from Tory taxation policies." - "The Tories have got tax right: they’ve just got marriage wrong"