Poster wars, battle of the growth and borrowing figures
By Peter Hoskin
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Unsurprisingly, Labour aren’t letting the absence of a triple-dip hold them back. They’ve released an online poster highlighting the sad truth that this is the slowest economic recovery in 100 years.
But CCHQ aren’t holding back either. They’ve done their own insta-version of the Labour poster, using that ol’ favourite from the Institute for Fiscal Studies: that Ed Miliband’s Labour (had they followed Alastair Darling’s budgetary plans) would have borrowed £200 billion more over the course of this Parliament. We’ve pasted the poster below.
A bit of web-based rough and tumble? Certainly. But it’s indicative of current weaknesses for each party: the Tories, growth; and Labour, the public finances. Ed Miliband’s party may have thought that their website, in response to Tuesday’s borrowing figures, was very clever. But it just prompted another question: how long would it take Ed Balls?
Anyway, here’s the poster: