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A sign of Lib Dem leaflets to come - "Liberal Democrats stopped Tory tax cuts for the richest"

By Tim Montgomerie
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The energetic Lib Dem blogger Mark Pack has published what he calls an "infographic" summarising what his party has achieved in government. What is increasingly clear is that the junior partners in the Coalition will go into the next election with the dangerous claim that they humanised what would otherwise have been a heartless Tory government. See point 2 in Mark's list of achievements, claiming Lib Dems "successfully blocked Tory plans to give the richest a double round of tax cuts by dropping the 50p tax rate and changing inheritance tax." I don't think this Tory-bashing will boost the Lib Dems that much (it might). More significantly, however, it risks retoxifying the Tory brand and aiding Labour's eternal claim that we are the party of the already-haves.

LibDem_achieve_infographic_S copy
