The 1% support Ed Miliband. The 99% do not.
By Tim Montgomerie
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"Ed Miliband’s policy to widen Labour’s support base has got off to a disappointing start after only 500 people signed up to be registered supporters on the party’s website, far short of the 50,000 target set by the leadership."
Mr Miliband is 1% of the way to his target!
The Labour leader also claims to have recruited 65,000 extra members but The Times' Sam Coates also reports that "Labour had 193,961 members at the end of last year, according to accounts filed with the Electoral Commission, up from 156,205 in 2009."
Labour certainly isn't rushing to show off the health of its membership. At the recent election of its Scottish leader, Johann Lamont, it only published the results in percentages. The SNP wondered why: "Their embarrassment at revealing a declining membership, the embarrassment of Johann Lamont losing the membership vote or that turn-out was incredibly low.”? The answer is probably all three.