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Labour MEP says now is the time for Britain to join the euro

By Jonathan Isaby

Picture 12 Yes, you read the headline correctly.

Labour MEP Mary Honeyball has suggested on her blog that the current eurozone crisis and the Irish bailout makes Britain's continued - and indeed deeper - involvement in the EU even more crucial.

She writes:

"The crisis of the euro has shown in very graphic terms that the UK is in Europe and cannot ignore what happens in other EU member states when it comes to their economies.  Britain has ended up paying out a very considerable sum of money. I doubt if it would have been any more if Britain had been a fully signed up member of the euro zone.

"The last Labour government, it is true, refused to take Britain into the Euro.  I have always been in favour of joining the single currency and, I must say, am once again beginning to feel vindicated that my point of view is the best one for our country."

