Left Watch

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Candidate calls Britain "the most mongrel country in the world" - yet the Left haven't batted an eyelid

Picture 21 Do you remember the furore in 2001 when then Conservative MP John Townend (pictured left) accused Labour ministers of wanting to turn the British into a "mongrel race"?

Townend withdrew his extremely ill-judged words and apologised, but the then Lib Dem leader, Charles Kennedy, among others, accused William Hague of showing an "abysmal failure of leadership" for not withdrawing the Conservative whip from him.

If a candidate at this election had described Britons as "mongrels" do you not think the Left would be calling in unison for his scalp?

Apparently not.

The parliamentary candidate who has done exactly that (albeit in a pro-immigration rather than anti-immigration context) was relegated to a few paragraphs at the bottom of page two of the News of the World, which did not even make it online.

Here's are his exact words:

"We're all mongrels. I mean, this country is the most mongrel country in the world. In fact it's the country with the most mixed-race relationships in the world. In 200 years we'll all be coffee-coloured - and I've got no problem with that."

A video of him making the comments is even posted on this school website.

Yet neither Charles Kennedy, or any other Left-wing politician or activist for that matter, has demanded the sacking of the candidate for St Albans.

Is it because Sandy Walkington (pictured right) is a Liberal Democrat?
