We need a list of taxpayer-funded charities that should lose their welfare cheques
On LeftWatch's first day we highlighted the government connections of Katherine Rake, who attacked Tory family policy on Radio 4 yesterday and was presented to the nation without reference to those connections.
Today's Daily Mail opened fire on Ms Rake in a typical all-guns-blazing-way.
Over at The Telegraph Ed West comments on LeftWatch and calls for the Conservatives to dismantle "taxpayer-funded 'charities'".
These charities will, James Forsyth predicted, be in the frontline of the battle against any Conservative government. Labour may lose elected office next May but they'll stay in power throughout the quangocracy and appointment-land. One of the first acts of any Tory government should be to end government funding of all charities with a political agenda. Stonewall, for example, should lose its money. Ben Summerskill's political ranting against the Conservatives shouldn't continue at all our expense.
Conservatives should protect themselves from accusations of being anti-gay or whatever other charge will be thrown by these state dependents by channeling 50% of the saved money to genuinely good causes in that same field of work. The Family and Parenting Institute's funding can go to local community groups working with families in the inner cities, for example. The other 50% can make a contribution to repaying Brown's debt.
What other taxpayer funded charities should lose their welfare cheques?