Brown urged to apologise for saying Spain is member of G20
At PMQs earlier,
Mr Cameron asked the Prime Minister to admit that Britain was the last
nation in the G20 to still be in recession. Mr Brown replied that Spain
was in the G20 and was also in recession. Unfortunately for Mr Brown, Spain isn't in the G20.
The Shadow Chief Secretary of the Treasury Philip Hammond has now written to the Prime Minister urging him to apologise:
“Today when faced with a simple and direct question, you chose to mislead the House of Commons by stating that Spain is in the G20. This is simply not true. While Spain has attended recent G20 meetings, it is not a member of the Group. Indeed, you explicitly admitted in a press conference last year that: ‘Spain is not a member of the G20’ (16 October 2008). On Monday, David Cameron took the opportunity on the floor of the House to correct a factual inaccuracy from the previous Question Time. I trust that you too will take the earliest opportunity on the floor of the House to apologise and amend the record. I would also be grateful if you could confirm that, contrary to your assertions today, the United Kingdom will be the last country in the G20 to exit recession.”
5.30pm: Guido's video comment on Brown's latest porky pie: