Kulveer Ranger answers the questions that you asked here.
Jennifer Wells: Please describe your new responsibilities and examples of where the Shadow Ministers twinning with cities has worked?
The Chairman has asked me to work as an active figure for the Conservative Party with the portfolio for British cities. The role does require an understanding of British cities and the challenges they face. However, it is a broad ranging brief and I feel to be effective I shall focus on specific activities. Promoting and supporting initiatives run by the party, parliamentary candidates, councils and association as well as other non political organisations that align with our objectives will be a key job for me. Additionally, I will lean on my professional experience to focus on issues relating to transport and regeneration in urban and suburban areas.
Umbrella Man: Have you encountered discriminatory attitudes in your search for a Conservative seat?
Where does discrimination start and end? This question could be asked about any aspect of an individual’s life especially if they are come from a minority community background – and I would assume that many would feel that they have. I sincerely believe that our associations try to select the best candidate for their constituency. Our party is working to represent all and I think we must continue to focus on being a party that reflects modern Britain and selects the most capable candidates.
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