Good news for Berlusconi and Wilders in European polling, less good news for Sarkozy and Merkel
On European Elections Day for Britain (not the rest of Europe) here are snapshots of opinion across the continent as compiled by London's ComRes opinion pollster:
- "Controversial nationalist politician Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party (NI), formed only in February 2006, is tied with Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende’s Christian Democrat Appeal (EPP-ED) in terms of projected seats in the Dutch Parliament, the Tweede Kamer. Wilders’ party, whose support has swelled since the publication of the firebrand’s anti-Islam film Fitna, may well rock the Dutch political establishment to the core by topping the poll in the June European elections. Wilders has eschewed the offer of French MEP Bruno Gollnisch for his party to join a reconstituted far-right grouping in the Parliament after the June elections and it continues remains unclear where his deputies will sit."
Angela Merkel still looks a good prospect for the next national German elections but the CDU/CSU is currently 8% below the 45% it received in the last European Elections for this week's contest. "After two successive European election campaigns in which the party lost seats, the German Social Democrats (PES) will increase its representation in the European Parliament."
- 37% of Czechs intend to vote for the Civic Democrats (the new coalition partners of Britain's Tory MEPs) as opposed to 28% who will support the Social Democrats – an 11% 9% lead.
- The Law & Justice Party of Poland - another likely partner for Britain's Tory MEPs - is on course for 25% of the European Elections vote. Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s centre-right Civic Platform (EPP-ED) will top the poll with nearly 50% of the vote.
- Swedish Prime Minister Frederick Reinfeldt’s centre-right Moderate Rally (EPP-ED) trail the Social Democrats by 8% in advance of the European elections. 51% of Swedes are ready to back the Euro.
63% of French voters are negative about President Sarkozy's performance.
- Opinion in Denmark on the Euro is finely balanced. 45% support membership, 44% oppose.
- Libertas leader Declan Ganley "is in strong competition for a seat in the North West constituency" of Ireland. Support for Lisbon is now running at 52% versus 29%.
- Despite speculation about the Italian premier's private life 54% of voters in Italy still support Berlusconi's coalition government.
- The Socialist government of Spain and the opposition centre right Popular Party are level-pegging at 41% and 40% respectively.
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