Each week a different PPC provides us with an insight into life as a candidate and gives us a flavour of their own campaign and interests. If you are a candidate and are keen to be featured, please email Jonathan Isaby.
This week we are featuring Priti Patel, who is candidate
for the newly-created constituency of Witham in Essex. Priti fought Nottingham North in 2005, but in Witham she will be defending a notional Conservative majority of 7,241 in a seat which draws on segments of four existing Conservative seats. You can read more about Priti and her campaign on her website.
Bank Holiday Monday 25th May
A funny day today in our household, as having been up most of the night with my "I don’t want to sleep" baby, I plan my week only having first organised baby and then husband for their week ahead; childcare, baby activities, provisions etc, followed by my day job bits, which even when on leave (for the elections) still must be maintained. Family and work sorted for the week, I then head into Witham to deliver election addresses and for the first time during the campaign I run into a Labour helper. We swap notes on how it’s been going and then the rain kicks in. All in all a typical British bank holiday!
Tuesday 26th May
I wake up early with no access to work email (which is a problem) and an issue to deal with (also a problem), but importantly we have blue skies so better weather for getting things done. I head straight out to campaign with my Chairman in his County Council patch. His patch is huge and we travel miles together covering remote rural farms to rural villages to new housing developments. We have at the same time met some really strong and remarkably upbeat supporters.
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